Rwandans increasingly owning their future

Editor, RE: “Why Rwanda’s democracy will unfold differently” (The New Times, January 12). I have really failed to understand why people hate peace. Can you imagine someone from Washington D.C claiming they are disappointed because Rwandans have decided their own destiny?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
A man casts a vote at Ecole La Colombiere polling station in Kigali during the December 18, 2015 referendum that saw over 98 per cent of voters back a new constitution that allows President Paul Kagame to run for another term come 2017. (File)


RE: "Why Rwanda’s democracy will unfold differently” (The New Times, January 12). I have really failed to understand why people hate peace. Can you imagine someone from Washington D.C claiming they are disappointed because Rwandans have decided their own destiny?

Every country has, to some extent, peculiar problems and unique way of solving them. For us Rwandans, our unique way of dealing with our own problems is to find solutions within ourselves.

We sought help during the time of need (the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi), and almost all the countries were reluctant to help, with the most powerful turning a blind eye altogether. Now that we have achieved peace and security, can put food on the table, and can sit and reason together and agree on how we want to lead our lives and country, someone out of the blue, from a Western capital, arrogantly tells us that this is not the way we should be running our own affairs!

Where were they when we needed them most? This world is unfair but we will continue to share our own future as a people, nonetheless.



This is a well articulated article with solid examples revealing the West’s contradictory position. As Rwandans, we must not compromise our future regardless of who says what.

We know where we have been, how far we have come, and whom we can trust will steer this country on a sustainable path of progress.

Alphonse Byusa


Rwandans have made their choices clear. We have chosen security, continuity and development over copy-paste Western-style democracy.

We know that a competent and good CEO is needed for us to succeed and we already have one and therefore no need for a change. I just can’t fathom how anyone from another country unashamedly challenges the sovereign choice and right of Rwandans on matters regarding their country and future – our legitimate aspirations!

I simply can’t see any sound basis for such criticism. I trust that the American leadership has already got our point and relations between the two countries will continue smoothly.

Concerned citizen