Community policing made impact in 2015: ACP Gatare

Just like in previous years, Rwanda National Police (RNP) last year reignited the implementation of its community policing initiatives in different parts of the country all aimed at strengthening and raising awareness against crimes toward sustainable safety and security.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Just like in previous years, Rwanda National Police (RNP) last year reignited the implementation of its community policing initiatives in different parts of the country all aimed at strengthening and raising awareness against crimes toward sustainable safety and security.

Apart from partnering with the general public, the force also teamed up with other security organs, government and private institutions through joint awareness campaigns and  operations, to detect, identify and bring offenders to justice. 

According to Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Damas Gatare, the Commissioner for Community Policing in RNP, this partnership contributed enormously to peace and security people living in Rwanda continue to enjoy today.

"The crime prevention activities were characterized by working together with the National Itorero Commission to train the youth in crime prevention, build patriotism, nationalism and hard work,” said ACP Gatare.

"The partnership of Police and public in crime prevention campaigns and also the force’s engagement in human security programmes like; one cow per family, health insurance scheme environmental conservation, explains why the force has won public trust and strong partnership in crime prevention,” he added.

"This good partnership defined the international reports and rankings that put Rwanda among the leading countries worldwide where citizens feel safe to walk alone at night and trust and rely on services delivered by their force.”

"In recognition of the role our partners play in policing to support the country’s development agenda, RNP also donated vehicles, motorcycles, built houses for the vulnerable families, paid medical insurance premiums, donated mosquito nets, among others to our outstanding partners,” he said.

The vehicles were given to outstanding districts and sectors in crime prevention through community policing, and were donated in partnership with the City of Kigali, Ministry if Local Government and One-UN.

The motorcycles were given to individuals and groups whose  activities contributes and  impacted in crime prevention.

"You can say that everyone played a vital part… police ambassadors in crime prevention, anti-crime clubs in schools, youth volunteers in crime prevention, local leaders and communities, public and private institution, all were with us in realizing the targets in the journey of policing in the year 2015 like in Police Week activities, anti-gender based violence and awareness against drug abuse.”

"The mission remains clear, to keep tabs on these campaigns for all to own the fight and prevention of crimes in their communities.”

ACP Gatare also said the department is committed to further partner with sir public through various channels like Anti- crime Clubs, CPCs, youth volunteers to raise awareness against the most pressing crimes like drug abuse and gender based violence both in schools and communities.