Health: Ask Nurse Felicia

Dear Nurse Felicia, I just found out that I am about eight weeks pregnant and while I’m very excited about the news, physically I feel terrible. I’m nauseous almost all the time and have trouble keeping almost any food down. Is it going to be like this the whole nine months? Help! Sick Mama

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dear Nurse Felicia,

I just found out that I am about eight weeks pregnant and while I’m very excited about the news, physically I feel terrible. I’m nauseous almost all the time and have trouble keeping almost any food down. Is it going to be like this the whole nine months? Help!

Sick Mama

Dear Sick Mama,

First of all congratulations on your pregnancy! And here’s more good news, morning sickness while very common in the first trimester usually disappears by sixteen weeks. In the meantime, here are some tips for managing the symptoms for the next few weeks.

• If symptoms are especially bad in the morning, try eating dry toast, cereal, or crackers before getting out of bed. A late-night snack high in protein such as lean meat or cheese may also help as proteins digest more slowly.

• Try to eat small meals or snacks every 2-3 hours rather than large meals.

• Likewise, avoid drinking large quantities of fluids all at once but sip on clear liquids like water or apple juice continuously throughout the day.

• Avoid spicy, fried or greasy foods.

• Avoid strong odours and eat food cold or at room temperature to minimise smells.

• Contact your doctor or health facility if vomiting becomes so constant or severe that you can’t keep anything down as you don’t want to risk becoming dehydrated. Good luck!

Nurse Felicia

Felicia Price is an American Registered Professional Nurse working in Kigali.

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