Editorial: Beating rainy season blues

As I write to you this week, the rain continues. Like Kigali, I am muddy and soggy. I imagine when many of you are reading this it will also be raining. For some reason when it rains, internet is more likely to falter, electricity wavers and our mobiles become even more unreliable than usual.

Friday, October 24, 2008

As I write to you this week, the rain continues. Like Kigali, I am muddy and soggy. I imagine when many of you are reading this it will also be raining. For some reason when it rains, internet is more likely to falter, electricity wavers and our mobiles become even more unreliable than usual.

To help you combat rainy season blues we bring you a magazine packed full of information and entertainment. Shut out the rain, wrap up warm and enjoy…

EDMUND KAGIRE is on fire as his mind rambles away. He tells you why he is just about the only person in the world not caught up in US election fever.

Talking about fever, LILLIAN NAKAYIMA focuses this week on primary school exams. Find out, how children, teachers and parents are coping with the stress.

This week for the boys we have fashion tips on how to look hot in jeans and for ladies we have crucial advice on breast cancer.

Find out why girls lie about their age, discover how to keep your car on the straight and narrow and learn how to make banana and custard soufflé. Keeping out of the rain has never been so much fun! Till next week, take care.

Contact: sundaytimes@newtimes.co.rw