God and Bible never told us to reject malaria spraying

I was surprised to read in issue No1286 of September 13, 2007 where you talked about Jehovah Witnesses refusal of  mosquito spraying.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I was surprised to read in issue No1286 of September 13, 2007 where you talked about Jehovah Witnesses refusal of  mosquito spraying.

Please, that piece of news was not true.  We, the Jehovah Witnesses do not have any problems with the company IRS (Indoor residuary spraying).

Sorry if there’s one of the Witnesses who rejected having his/her house sprayed, it’s not say that all Jehovah’s Witness rejected the malaria spray.

We follow Jehovah and the Bible teaching, Jehovah our God and Bible never told us to reject malaria spraying. The Indoor Residual Spraying has benefits and we support it, we preach God’s Kingdom not to reject malaria spraying.

My Brothers, sisters and prostitutes, I want to tell you that there is no scriptural, doctrinal or legal reasons why spraying would not be supported by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Please, those who refused the spraying, it’s not say that is our doctrine. Thanks a lot.

Phone: 08350949
E-mail: rwabalb@gmail.com