Be faithful to your partners

Dear editor, I Refer to an article that was published in your paper recently quoting reports that married men part with more money in order to enjoy unprotected sex with sex workers in some parts of the Western Province.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dear editor,

I Refer to an article that was published in your paper recently quoting reports that married men part with more money in order to enjoy unprotected sex with sex workers in some parts of the Western Province.

I was astonished by the reports. Sex work alone is evil, but leaving ones’ partner to seek a prostitute is a greater evil. Why indulge in sex work with all those risks of contracting HIV?

Some women have had to contend with the infidelity of their husbands, but it is difficult to stomach the news of men paying more to have unprotected sex, well-knowing the risks associated with it.

Apart from the individual risks, you expose the life of your innocent wife at home and put it at risk. My advice is that NGOs involved in the anti-Aids campaign should help increase awareness among married people to break the transmission chain of the virus.

This is because married women seem to remain at a higher risk of contracting the disease from their reckless husbands. The other alternative is to arrest men who seem to expose their spouses to Aids, and imprison them for life.
