Serena Hotel pays hospital bills for vulnerable patients

Employees of Serena Kigali Hotel visited Muhima Hospital and paid bills for patients that had failed to clear throughout the year as part of the company’s corporate social responsibility.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Employees of Serena Kigali Hotel visited Muhima Hospital and paid bills for patients that had failed to clear throughout the year as part of the company’s corporate social responsibility.

The patients were mainly children born with deformities whose parents could not afford the expenses of sustaining them in the hospital due to the complexities of their health.

The staff from Serena paid bills of up to Rwf2.9 million as a way of "putting a smile on the patients’ face as they celebrate Christmas,” according to Denise Omany, the country sales and marketing manager at Serena,"The reason we came here is to see that these people have happiness on Christmas. We want to help them to overcome the challenges that they are facing. We want them to have a real Christmas,” she said.

Marie Jeanne Tuyizere, mother of Irashobora Kwizera, a one-year-old baby who spends 20 hours a day on oxygen because of respiratory complications, expressed gratitude for the assistance and said that it was impossible for her to foot the bill.

"I have been here for a year and a month. My child is always on oxygen and the bill was too expensive for me. I am happy that you have thought about us. Very few people can do this,” Tuyizere said.

Dr Ndizeye Ntwali, the Muhima Hospital medical director, described Serena’s act as "inspirational” and said it had motivated them a lot.

"We are so happy. Let this act be an inspiration to all, especially in days like these,” Dr Ntwali said.

The Serena Hotel staff gesture was done through its initiative dubbed, "Light up a life,” that has been running for the last three years.