Rubavu motorcycle coops form clubs to fight crime

Two motorcycle cooperatives in Rubavu District have joined efforts to strengthen community policing initiatives in the area by forming anti-crime clubs, which they believe will unite them for the common good.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Two motorcycle cooperatives in Rubavu District have joined efforts to strengthen community policing initiatives in the area by forming anti-crime clubs, which they believe will unite them for the common good.

MOTOTRACO and KAMIGI cooperatives, composed of 214 and 137 members, respectively, made the commitment during separate meetings on December 22, which aimed at streamlining their operations.

MOTOTRACO elected one of its members, Emmanuel Uwizeye, to head the anti-crime club, while KAMIGI’s Felix Nshimiyimana was tasked with coordinating policing activities.

"We conduct our business in a secure environment and we should partner with Police, local leaders and the public to protect it while fighting and reporting anything that can cause insecurity,” Uwizeye said.

Nshimiyimana said: "This anti-crime club we have formed will guide us to realise our targets in crime prevention, but this will only be possible when we work together as a team.”

"This club will help us in timely exchange of information between ourselves and with Police, and will supplement initiatives aimed at ensuring safety and security in Rubavu, which is also central to our business,” Nshimiyimana added.

Janvier Nsana, the Rubavu community liaison, commended the motorcyclists for setting an example to ensure their own security.

"Despite some incidences where some motorcyclists have been arrested in unlawful activities, we are well aware that many of you have been strong partners in policing. We believe this is a big step for you to come together to streamline your profession by reporting anyone involved in criminal activities,” Nsana said.

He reminded the motocylists to respect professional standards of their business and respect traffic rules and regulations to prevent accidents, majority of which are caused by motorcyclists due to bad maneuvers.

Recently, COTMERU, another motorcycle cooperative in Rubavu of 130 members, also formed an anti-crime club.

Last month, motorcyclists in neighbouring Nyabihu District also formed an anti-crime club to boost community policing initiatives in the area.