Genocide suspects escape gacaca trial

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — A number of genocide suspects mainly business tycoons, are said to be eluding gacaca trials in Muganga district.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


MUHANGA — A number of genocide suspects mainly business tycoons, are said to be eluding gacaca trials in Muganga district.

Sources from authorities and residents claim that most of the prime suspects have left Gitarama on various grounds, and some of them might have fled the country to the neighbouring countries.

The reports come days after the national jurisdiction of gacaca ordered fresh investigations into the killings at Kabgayi-where many people are said to have been killed in the 1994 Genocide.

The investigation which started last month, followed claims that much information had been concealed on the killings.

Coming days after the starting of hearing of category one genocide cases in the area, some top genocide suspects, most of them prominent tycoons in Gitarama have so far been lined up for trial.

Among those that have already faced the local justice system include, pastor Mariya-Bwana, one Kayibanda former Gitarama official, and Mattias Mutabaruka, a legal representative at College APSEC.

"There are many people who were killed in Kabgayi, since it was an escape zone and there is fear that some people may be implicated in the killings since nothing had been done before,” a survivor commented. 

Some of those allegedly eluding trial include; Jacques Twahirwa, Maitre Chrysostome Uwizeyimana, Emmanuel Munyankuburwa among others.

Souces say more people have also been fleeing over the years.

Most of the suspects own big mansions which have given a facelift to Gitarama.

However, residents claim that most of them were built as social insurance.  

When contacted, some security officials said that they are aware of the situation and an investigation on the claims has been commissioned.

Raymond Mbaraga, the immigration official in the area acknowledged the reports but cautioned residents against exaggerating the situation.

"We are aware of two people escaping –that is Chrysostome Uwizeyimana and Emmanuel Munyankuburwa and these are being investigated.

However, residents should be cautious about creating more rumors about movements of people,” Mbaraga said yesterday.

Local leaders in various villages and cells have urged residents to calm down and the issue is being addressed in the district security meetings.
