NEC commends election conduct in the North

NORTHERN PROVINCE The National Electoral  Commission (NEC) has hailed the peaceful way through which the parliamentary elections were conducted in the Northern Province.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


The National Electoral  Commission (NEC) has hailed the peaceful way through which the parliamentary elections were conducted in the Northern Province.

Prof. Chrisologue Karangwa, the NEC President, this week awarded different organs which facilitated the smooth preparations and conduct of the elections in the area.

This was during an evaluation meeting to establish the challenges, recommendations and lessons from the campaigns and the election process.

Prof. Karangwa said that the assessment meeting is a way of appreciating the cooperation exhibited by all stake-holders who were involved in ensuring successful elections.

These included provincial and district officials, security agencies and grassroots leaders.

He explained that the punctuality, order and the general peaceful election performance should be a foundation for organising future campaigns and elections.

"Free and fair election are a strong foundation for democracy which should be strengthened,’’ Karangwa said.

He commended the security organs especially the army for keeping the security and staying out of  the elections, saying it should be a lesson to other countries where the army interferes with elections.

Participants raised concern on different cases such as the names which were missing on the voters’ lists; those who could not be allowed to vote because they were registered in different areas and the issue of long distances to polling stations as some of the challenges experienced.

Responding to Faustan Nzabonimpa’s concerns, a former PSD candidate who was later barred from contesting, Celestin Karabayinga, Musanze Mayor, suggested offering training seminars to people seeking political posts especially political party leaders on the rules and regulations of the campaigns.

The meeting was also attended by opinion leaders from across the province.
