I am glad it wasn't me

A few days ago, I was idly scrolling through Facebook when I accidentally landed on something that left me agape. On a certain page that deals with relationship problems, a woman was asking for advice on how to get her man back.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

A few days ago, I was idly scrolling through Facebook when I accidentally landed on something that left me agape. On a certain page that deals with relationship problems, a woman was asking for advice on how to get her man back.

Her problem was that her boyfriend, upon discovering flirtatious texts on her phone, beat her up before telling her that he was done with her. She was now wondering what to do to convince him to take her back. 

My immediate reaction was to go to the comments section. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only one who thought it was quite foolish of her to want this man back. 

Before I proceed, let me state that I do believe that ‘just flirting’ is nonsense. Flirting is cheating really, at least emotionally. 

Still, I went to the comments section to see if anyone would knock sense into this woman’s head. I mean, the man had beaten her. But the way she was so nonchalant about it clearly shows that she didn’t think there was anything wrong with taking a few lashes from her boyfriend for her mistake.

And apparently, none of the people in the comments section thought the beating was worth discussing. They lashed out at her. The men shared past experiences about how they left their girlfriends for flirting with other men. They demonized ‘girls of this generation’ for their noncommittal ways. 

I read comment after comment in disbelief. Here was a girl about to beg her way back into a violent relationship and I was the only one screaming; "don’t do it!” 

There was one woman who wrote a long piece of advice telling the girl to stop acting like a man. That it doesn’t matter if he has "other girls on the side; as long as he acknowledges you, don’t go looking for others. Don’t make him angry. He will beat you again.” I silently cursed as I read all this ‘advice’.

I thought of writing a long comment reprimanding everyone for not stopping this girl from the terrible mistake she was about to make, but people on social media are not very kind with words. The subsequent insults wouldn’t have been worth it.

And she probably wouldn’t have listened anyway. Such people don’t. It would have been such a waste of my calories. 

Normally, I’m not sadistic. In fact, I am a good Christian; I empathize with those who weep but reading stories like the one I shared above, I can’t help but appreciate being single. 

I mean yes, I go home to an empty house that is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Sometimes, I hear voices in my head and I talk to myself but I would gladly take that any day over the problems some of these girls are facing in their relationships. 

God forbid if I get so desperate to settle down only to end up picking some good-for-nothing human of the opposite gender who will make my life miserable. I don’t do well with misery.