Do retailers know it's Christmas?

I’m one of those people who are always looking out for a good deal. Call me cheap, thrifty, economical, whatever, I’m proud to call myself a bargain shopper and rarely pay for anything without negotiating the price; of course with the exception of supermarkets of.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

I’m one of those people who are always looking out for a good deal. Call me cheap, thrifty, economical, whatever, I’m proud to call myself a bargain shopper and rarely pay for anything without negotiating the price; of course with the exception of supermarkets of.

I have in the past haggled in Indian and Chinese-owned supermarkets and gotten sandals or even a blanket at less than the asking price, so for those of you who would like to save a buck or two, try your luck next time. You just might get a cut. 

Speaking of cuts, am I the only one who can’t find substantial Christmas giveaways and discounts? There aren’t that many shopping centers around town and I’ve made my rounds already and unfortunately, I haven’t found many ‘serious’ deals, compared to last year.

It’s frustrating because I have waited weeks to get certain things, hoping that many retailers would have Christmas sales. From makeup to clothes to groceries, it in fact seems like everything is even more expensive now that Christmas is around the corner. Honestly, I’m disappointed, because for certain items, I won’t have a choice but to buy, regardless of the price. 

I was looking forward to rewarding myself with one of those China-made cool Tablets but even those are super expensive. I also wanted to buy another phone since the one I have has weathered its fair share of falls, including one into a bucket full of water but it seems that I may have to hold onto my battered phone longer and hope that prices will be more reasonable after the holidays. 

What surprised me most however was makeup. Usually, cosmetics companies target women around this time of year with lower prices but my eyes nearly popped when I asked a sales girl in one shop for the price of a lipstick brand I will not disclose lest I’m sued. "15,000Rwf,” she told me calmly, and no, this is not a typo. Fifteen thousand Rwandan francs! That should be illegal, right? Does said lipstick stay on all day? 

Is it of such high quality that it doesn’t stain clothes or utensils? I wondered. Probably not. I don’t care how many oceans were crossed to get it into my local store. In my opinion, it’s just another overpriced product I can do without. 

Every time I come across these ridiculously priced items, I remind myself that unless others can "appreciate” the cost, it’s not worth buying. When you "invest” in a classy handbag or a pair of leather shoes, at least your friends will compliment your purchase. 

I doubt the same would be said of lipstick or a body spray. For those of you who don’t mind splashing, go ahead with your Christmas shopping. Personally, I won’t be unwrapping many boxes. My friends and family should also take this as a heads-up. Please lower your expectations. Cash woes aside, I wish you all a Merry Christmas.