Top clubs to get lion’s share of Azam league sponsorship

Top-flight clubs will, starting next season, get their share of the Azam TV sponsorship money according to their league positions if the FERWAFA General Assembly approves the proposal next year.

Saturday, December 19, 2015
APR midfielder Yannick Mukunzi tries to get past Police defender Jean Marie Muvandimwe during a past league match. Top-flight clubs will get their sponsorship package according to their league positions. (Sam Ngendahimana)

Top-flight clubs will, starting next season, get their share of the Azam TV sponsorship money according to their league positions if the FERWAFA General Assembly approves the proposal next year.

In August, Azam signed a five-year deal with FERWAFA worth $2.35m to sponsor the national football league. In this deal, FERWAFA is set to get $350,000 (Rwf266m) this season, and the balance of $2m will be spread over the next 4 years.

Of the Rwf266m that the national football federation will get this season, Rwf96m will be shared by the 16 top flight clubs, while the second division and referees get a portion of the sponsorship package with the remainder going to the administrative work of FERWAFA.

In an interview with a club official who did not want to reveal his name because he is not the official spokesperson for his club, he said clubs will get Rwf6m this season which is very little considering the budgets they have.

"I support this proposal to share money according to league positions because it will make the league more competitive. However FERWAFA still needs to attract more sponsors because the money we get from these deals is still little,” said the club official.

Second division to get sponsor

Meanwhile FERWAFA is on the hunt for a sponsor for the second division so as to wean it off from the Azam sponsorship package. FERWAFA Executive Committee that met recently agreed that both the second division and referees would find ‘means of securing sponsorship for second division league as well as referees such that the percentage which is being injected in both second divisions clubs as well as match officials can fully go into the overall package meant for first league clubs.”

AS Kigali, Rayon Sport and APR are tied at the top of the league table with 18 points but the Kigali City side has a better goal difference and has played a game less. Police striker Songa Isaie tops the goal scorers’ chart with 6 goals followed by Sugira Ernest (AS Kigali) and Dany Usengimana (Police) with 5 goals each.

The Azam Rwanda Premier League will return after the Africa Nations’ Championship (CHAN) finals which will be held in Rwanda from January 16, 2016 to February 7, 2016.