India's doors are open to Rwandan medics

Editor, RE: “Turkey opens doors to Rwandan doctors to attend medical observership programmes” (The New Times, December 14).

Thursday, December 17, 2015


RE: "Turkey opens doors to Rwandan doctors to attend medical observership programmes” (The New Times, December 14).

It is very encouraging to read your story about the new initiatives taken by Turkey to allow and promote medical observership programmes between the two countries.

Please allow me to share with your readers that India's doors are always open for doctors and nurses in their quest for excellence.

SevenHills Hospital already has an interesting programme in place to help as many as 48 nurses from Rwanda to undergo a comprehensive advanced training and familiarization programme at their facility here in Mumbai.

In fact, the first batch of three nurses from Butaro Hospital, led by nursing director Emmanuel have already successfully completed their training and are back in Rwanda. The hospital is ready to receive the next batch of four nurses.

This offer is not only restricted to nurses, but has also been extended to Rwandan doctors. In fact, about a month ago, two eminent surgeons from SevenHills Hospital conducted a very interesting and productive medical camp at La Croix du Sud Hospital, Remera.

Such programmes initiated by India and Turkey will prove to be of great value and assistance to the healthcare sector in Rwanda. These initiatives will surely have many millions smiling in the country.

Clarence Fernandes