Make your participation noticed in school activities

I envy my fellow students who are prefects at school. I wish to be a leader one day, but the problem is that I have so much fear within me that always stops me from taking a step forward. How can I overcome this fear and I embrace leadership.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

I envy my fellow students who are prefects at school. I wish to be a leader one day, but the problem is that I have so much fear within me that always stops me from taking a step forward. How can I overcome this fear and I embrace leadership.


Joyce Kirabo

Embracing leadership at school sets a firm foundation for one’s strong leadership roles at all stages in life. History informs us that the most wonderful world leaders today trace their victory from their early school headship roles. It takes great courage and confidence to be a leader, especially for the first time at school; nevertheless its benefits can be far greater than the effort invested.  Achieving this success will call for an extraordinary level of commitment and sacrifice plus overcoming fear. The first most important quality towards your successful school leadership is enthusiasm. This will sail you to even greater heights if you step out of the ordinary and actively get involved in different school activities. Make your participation well noticed in different school ventures like debates, music, sports and games in order to create a centre of attention to a wide range of students, teachers and other school administrators who could probably spot leadership qualities in you and elect you as a school leader.

During the campaign time, always express yourself and gently solidify your stance by articulating your interest in leadership through participating in public speeches on the open campaign days and vividly explain your manifesto to justify your intentions for leadership. Your conduct too can be a basis for people to judge if you can be entrusted with leadership. Always try to be gregarious and improve on your performance in class because intelligence is often considered to be synonymous with leadership abilities. Be that kind of person that people can’t resist to elect as a leader. You will get surprised to discover that you can be a good school prefect as well as an influential future leader.


Fred Karomba
Teta Uwamwiza

Fred Karomba, Senior six vacationist:

Socialise more often with your fellow students who are school leaders. The first step in everything is getting acquainted with the field you want, and then take time around the people in it, see how they do everything and be a good learner.

Teta Uwamwiza:

Embrace leadership starting from your classroom. For instance, being a class leader, participating in class activities gives you a chance to speak before your colleagues; from that you will get used and conquer the fear in you.

Maxime Cyubahiro
Furijance Sabyenda

Maxime Cyubahiro, student leader:

Befriend one of the student leaders and let that person help you to overcome your fears. Put in mind that the best way to conquer fear is to embrace what you fear. Take a step forward and take on a leadership position.

Furijance Sabyenda, businessman:

Talk to one of your teachers to help you go through series of leadership positions. Teachers have expertise regarding students’ leadership, thus can help you stand tall and make leadership a reality.