Partnership to promote sanitation, welfare in Gasabo

Society For Health Rwanda (SFH) and Access Bank have partnered to help Groupe Scolaire Gikomero in Gasabo District in different ways.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Society For Health Rwanda (SFH) and Access Bank have partnered to help Groupe Scolaire Gikomero in Gasabo District in different ways.

The partnership has helped facilitate financial literacy, rehabilited the school, construct a kitchen, and a well equipped laboratory with 10 desktops, water tanks, well facilitated internet access and piped water and pit latrines.

The facilities worth Rwf24 million, were launched on Friday, at a function that attracted local leaders and area residents.

Languide Nyirabahira, the Vice Mayor, Gasabo District, thanked SFH and Access Bank Rwanda for the initiative intended to promote sanitation and welfare among students and local residents of Gikomero Sector.

"This school was in a very poor state, structures and sanitation were not in good shape but now with the partnership we can be assured of a conducive learning environment,” Nyirabahira said.

The event also involved a financial literacy drive, where the community of Gikomero and the students of GS Gikomero were sensitised by Access Bank on how to save.

They were also sensitised on the importance of personal hygiene in and outside their homes.

Manasseh Gihana Wandera, the executive director SFH Rwanda, said the partnership is a step toward self sustainability and finding home-grown solutions to challenges in Rwandan society.

"I thank Access Bank for the support and I urge everyone to protect what they have been given in order to get the best out of it. The youth should strive to promote personal hygiene and sanitation in school and in their homes for better lives,” Wandera said.

Simon Mugisha, head of Retail Banking at Access Bank, said the partnership is part of the bank’s corporate social responsibility to give back to society and invest in the people because they are the bank’s customers.

Sandrine Byukusenge, a 12-year-old student of the school, commended the partners especially for providing students with computers.

During the same event, competitions on personal hygiene, question and answer sessions were conducted where different people won healthy living.