Festive season shopping tips

It is coming to the end of year and the festive season is here, and many Rwandans will go shopping for gifts, or family supplies to give themselves a treat during the festive season. For Christians, Christmas is a time to enjoy with family and friends, as well as extend the seasonal happiness to those in need of support and prayers.

Monday, December 14, 2015
It is important to plan your shopping to avoid impulse buying. (Dennis Agaba)

It is coming to the end of year and the festive season is here, and many Rwandans will go shopping for gifts, or family supplies to give themselves a treat during the festive season. For Christians, Christmas is a time to enjoy with family and friends, as well as extend the seasonal happiness to those in need of support and prayers.

To non-Christians, it is a time to enjoy a short break from work, while for the atheist it is just another year-ender. Despite all the differences in the way people look at Christmas, the festive season brings together friends and family, foe and friends, the haves and have-nots to celebrate, have good time, and make merry.

With the goings on, shopping is inevitable. Remember, that whether we do it consciously or not, all of us at one point will buy something for our own consumption or for someone else.

Shopping as we know it today has evolved from traditional shopping ways (barter trade) to the present when some people do it as a hobby.

So how does one ensure they get a rewarding shopping experience this Christmas season?

Pasifique Uwayezu, a housewife and mother of three, shares her shopping tips with other mothers who intend to stock supplies for the festive season.

Uwayezu advises Christmas shoppers to avoid last-minute shopping. She says last-minute shopping exposes one to impulse buying and unnecessary spending.

"Last-minute shopping subjects an individual to unwanted pressure as they might find prices for some items have already been hiked… One may also forget the essential items they need because they are in a hurry,” Uwayezu notes.

On which places are ideal for Christmas and festive season shopping, Uwayezu believes that different shopping needs should determine where an individual goes for shopping.

"If you want foodstuffs, it’s better to visit the neighbourhood market that sells fresh produce. Besides, these markets are more likely to offer items at affordable rates compared to say, supermarkets and other big produce stores,” Uwayezu explains.

For those looking for gifts or items, like clothes, furniture, home appliances, she says recognised shops could be ideal.

She adds that buyers can also take advantage of shopping platforms, including expos and online stores that offer good bargains and a hustle-free shopping experience.

Uwayezu advises Christmas shoppers to plan their shopping, especially if one intends to buy a lot of items.

"Plan for everything you want. It does not only help avoid buying stuff you do not need, but also enables you to save. I always make a list for everything I intend to buy. This has always worked for me so it can work other shoppers, too,” Uwayezu notes. 

Financial discipline is one key ingredient of good shopping. So ensure you have in place mechanisms to manage your finances, and remember that to have a memorable festive season one does not need to go on a shopping spree or reckless spending.

Salim Kassim, a Kigali resident and an ardent shopper, says one should make a shopping list of all the items they would need over the festive season, as well as note down any stores offering discounts or good bargains to ease their shopping experience.

He says that he buys items basing on two factors; necessity (for basic home utility items that he buys from supermarkets and ordinary markets); and personal need, especially for things like clothes and home décor. These could be bought online or expos and big stores.

He advises shoppers to find out shops and supermarkets doing different clearance or garage sales to buy items at discounts.

Kassim advises shoppers to take advantage of the upcoming Middle East expo (this week from Deecember 16-30) to buy exotic items, appliances and home décor.

Kassim also advises shoppers to tryout online stores, arguing that they offer quality products at reasonable prices. He says online shopping gives buyers a wide range of commodities to choose from most of which might not even be available in the country.

"However, every time you are shopping online, you must be careful to avoid being conned by cyber fraudsters,” Kassim advises.

Mind whatever you spend your coin on as you enjoy this season. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2016.