Roshanali wins National Rally Championship

Burundian driver, Mohamed Abbas Roshanali emerged the winner of the 2015 Rwanda National Rally Championship which ended on Saturday in Nyamata, Bugesera District.

Monday, December 14, 2015
Jean Claude Gakwaya and Claude Mugabo navigate a corner during the rally over the weekend, Gakwaya dropped out on the last day after getting involved in an accident. (Courtesy)

Final results Rally des Milles Collines

1. Mohamed Abbas Roshanali & Ali Hassan 54’29” 2. Mwananteba Zamin & Dias Maceri 1h’12’48” 3. Christian Remezo & Regis K. Remera 1h15’28” 4. Genese Semana & Jacques S. Hakizimana 1h29’43’’ 5. Musa Kabega & Roger Sirwomu 2h26’42’’ 6. Felekeni Mayaka & Fabrice Yoto 2h34’38” 7. Jean Claude Gakwaya & Claude Mugabo 4h43’11’’Top three of 2015 Rwanda National Championships

Mohamed Roshanali 77 points Jean Claude Gakwaya 73 points Davite Giancarlo 59 points

Burundian driver, Mohamed Abbas Roshanali emerged the winner of the 2015 Rwanda National Rally Championship which ended on Saturday in Nyamata, Bugesera District.

Roshanali who was navigated by Ali Hassan, was followed by the Ugandan crew of Mwananteba Zamin and Maceri Dias in second position.

Mohamed Roshanali who won the event. (Courtesy)

Roshanali had 46 points before the start of the rally, and went on to accumulate another 28 points in the two-day Rally des Milles Collines to move top overall with 77 points. Jean Claude Gakwaya who had 42 points before the rally kicked off also earned 28 points in two-day event to accumulate 73 points.

Gakwaya had a chance to win the annual event, but was involved in an accident in the last stage in Rilima, which forced him to pull out. The victory saw Roshanali maintain his lead on top of the Rwanda National Rally Championship (NRC).

"It was a very interesting rally and it was really good to compete in this event. It was tough, but I enjoyed the race.

It was a close race between me and Jean Claude Gakwaya until the end. so it was quite a good fight till the end because we won in the last stage,” he explained.

However, Gakwaya who was in pole position to win said "Our chances were high but we had an accident, and we failed to finish the race. We shall try next year.”