Grooming young girls is a noble venture

Editor, It was encouraging to read about the great work of Barbara Bylenga , the Founder and Executive Director of SHE CAN, who is helping bright and promising your girls to become leaders of tomorrow.

Monday, December 14, 2015
Scholars and their mentors. SHE CAN aims at nurturing young girls to become tomorrowu2019s leaders. (Courtesy)


It was encouraging to read about the great work of Barbara Bylenga , the Founder and Executive Director of SHE CAN, who is helping bright and promising your girls to become leaders of tomorrow.

Please allow me to share with your esteemed readers that during Rwanda Calling 2015 , held in July 2015 , we arranged for our education partner , Mahatma Gandhi University , to offer as many as ten full scholarships to outstanding girls , selected by the Imbuto Foundation, who were celebrating their tenth anniversary , around that time.

This University, which already has a fully operational campus in California, USA , has actually transferred the Chief Operating Officer from the States and is now also transferring the faculty from California to offer quality education to Rwandan youth, right here at their Kabuga campus.

This initiative will enable many more of our Rwandan youth to take advantage of education with American standards, right here in this beautiful land of a thousand hills.

Further let me also share with your readers that SHE CAN could as well become " we can’’ with our initiative which involves sending young and promising youth to India.

At present we have two young management graduates, Emma Umutoniwabo from University of Rwanda’s College of Science and Technology and Annick Ingabire from Kigali Institute of Management, who are undergoing an intensive internship at the world class, award winning, Seven Hills Hospital in Mumbai.

Is really very encouraging to know that the hospital management actually remarked "Emma is wonderful” and are even exploring the possibility of taking her on their pay roll.

So in this case , through a skill development programme in " international marketing and medical tourism” the young and dynamic Emma has also gone one step further and has not only developed her skills in marketing , but also created for herself a job she performs with passion.

We would be delighted to partner with "SHE CAN” and extend the programme and activities to one of the world’s largest democracies - Incredible India.

Clarence Fernandes