Your concerns: Other than gym, how else can I exercise?

Dear Doctor, I am in my early 40s, but my work schedule is so tight that I rarely get time to visit the gym or engage in exercise. I fear I could get health complications because I spend many hours seated. What simple exercises can I engage in to ensure I stay healthy? James, Gisenyi

Sunday, December 13, 2015
Yoga is good for relaxing the body and mind. (Net phone)

Dear Doctor,

I am in my early 40s, but my work schedule is so tight that I rarely get time to visit the gym or engage in exercise. I fear I could get health complications because I spend many hours seated. What simple exercises can I engage in to ensure I stay healthy?

James, Gisenyi

Dear James,

It is not only your problem, but that of many doing sedentary desk jobs in cities across the world. Tight work schedules prevent regular exercise and meals. This gives rise to obesity and resultant chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart problems, among others.

Mental stress adds onto the problem. Sitting for long hours continuously is main cause for backache in office workers.

In such a situation, it is advisable to avoid sitting for long time. Whenever possible, after 1 to 2 hours of desk work, one can get up and do some exercise for 10-15 minutes. Brisk walking, yoga, simple stretching exercises are some of the ones, which can be done in the office room or in the premises. Even light jogging can be done in the office premises.

A person should avoid using transport all the time. Walking short distances a number of times whenever possible is useful.

Breathing exercises of yoga rejuvenate the body and mind and can be done, even while sitting on the office chair.

The only conditions desirable for doing any exercise are, the stomach should be empty(before food or 2 hours after a major meal) and it should be done up to the physical endurance of the person.

Dr Rachna Pande  is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hospital