The ball is now in your court, MPs tell citizens

Members of Parliament yesterday started a countrywide tour to explain changes made in the revised Constitution and carried a message for citizens to actively participate in the forthcoming referendum.

Friday, December 11, 2015
MP Nura Nikuze explains changes made in the Constitution to residents of Kimironko and Remera sectors yesterday. (All photos by T. Kisambira)

Members of Parliament yesterday started a countrywide tour to explain changes made in the revised Constitution and carried a message for citizens to actively participate in the forthcoming referendum.

In Kigali City’s Gasabo District, residents from Kimironko and Remera sectors met at the grounds of a local church in Nyabisindu Cell (Remera Sector) and listened as MPs Zeno Mutimura, Marie Rose Mureshyankwano, and Nura Nikuze explained changes made in the Constitution.

"The Constitution has been modified in line with your ideas,” MP Nikuze told the excited residents.

Among other changes, the revised Constitution reduced presidential term limits from seven to five years renewable only once.

But the change will be preceded by one transitional presidential term of seven years for which any presidential candidates, including President Paul Kagame, will be eligible.

Upon hearing that, many of the residents applauded for the changes and started dancing and singing songs praising the President and his governance style.

"It’s fun to vote for Paul and I thank you for making it possible,” Théoneste Uwizera, a resident, told the lawmakers.

Sandra Tuyishime, from Remera, agreed, saying "I thank God for having given us a good leader.”

Other residents also thanked the MPs for having accepted their wishes to keep President Kagame in office and urged fellow residents to choose "Yes” when they vote in the referendum.

"This is the day (referendum day) we’ve been waiting for. I would like to urge others not to shy away from voting ‘Yes’,” said Aloys Ntagwabira, another resident in Gasabo.

MP Nura Nikuze explains changes made in the Constitution to the residents of Kimironko and Remera sector yesterday.

The road to referendum

About 6.3 million Rwandans are expected to cast their votes in a referendum to approve or dismiss the 2015 Revised Constitution, which will take place next week on Thursday for Rwandans in the Diaspora and Friday for those in the country.

At least 3.7 million citizens had petitioned Parliament five months ago to revise the supreme law to remove legal provisions that prohibit President Kagame from seeking re-election in 2017 – if he so wishes – when his second seven-year term ends.

MP Marie Rose Mureshyankwano urged the residents to approve the Constitution revised by Parliament because it contains provisions that are in line with their wishes.

"We are here to ask you that you approve and confirm that we represented you well, please don’t let us down. You gave us your ideas and we agreed with them, it’s now time for you to approve them by voting ‘Yes,’” she said.

Yesterday’s event was also a chance for an official from the National Electoral Commission to explain to the residents how the poll will be conducted and where it will take place. The residents have the option to vote ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ depending on whether they like the revised Constitution or not.

The MPs’ discussions with the people will run from December 11 to 16 and will target all the country’s 416 sectors, says a statement issued by Parliament on Thursday.

A local resident of Remera dance during the MPs a countrywide tour to explain changes made in the revised Constitution yesterday.