EDITORIAL: Referendum on revised Constitution a sign of political maturity

At last, the long awaited date for the Referendum has been set and the ball is in Rwandans’ court to decide their country’s orientation. The exercise to amend the Constitution has caused many tongues to wag, especially among those whom the matter is none of their concern.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

At last, the long awaited date for the Referendum has been set and the ball is in Rwandans’ court to decide their country’s orientation.

The exercise to amend the Constitution has caused many tongues to wag, especially among those whom the matter is none of their concern.

Patronising utterances have flooded the airwaves with the misplaced presumptions that they will drown out the voices and wishes of the people and arm-twist the government into changing course.

The so-called upholders of democracy wanted the country to go against the very democratic values they confess to protect. Power derives from the people, so they should wait for the urns to give their verdict.

Most people are very infatuated by the proposed changes in the presidential term limits in the revised Constitution, that they forget that the amendments go a long way.

Term limits for the president and vice president of the Supreme Court as well as Senators have also been affected, but that does not seem to have attracted the attention of the self-styled defenders of democratic principles.

So, it is everyone’s hope that whatever comes out of the ballot boxes will make the noise makers forever hold their peace because the people will have spoken.

So as Rwandans go to the polls to decide their future, they will be exercising their constitutional right and will not be distracted by bigotry and I-know-better attitudes.

For the Rwandan voters, this is yet another opportunity to continue shaping the future of this country.