EAC integration paving way for greater things

Dear editor, I would like to commend the efforts that the governing bodies of the EAC are taking to bring development to the region.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dear editor,

I would like to commend the efforts that the governing bodies of the EAC are taking to bring development to the region.

There is no reason that the EAC should not be like the superior powers in the world like the EU, UN among others. In this way greater impact on issues affecting the region will be realised.

This is advantageous in a way that the EAC will always be on standby to solve any delicate matters that cause unrest in the region.

Instead of waiting for the UN to come and intervene just like Rwanda did in 1994, the EAC could be more effective. This is because they understand the issues that directly affect its people.

Maybe if the EAC was already established and strong in 1994, the Rwandan Genocide would not have occurred. The fact that Kenya’s President Mwai Kibaki sent a delegation with a special message for President Paul Kagame means that member states are bonding well and the bond is getting stronger through the integration of the sates in the region.
