How to become an excellent student

Despite the fact that Derrick Kabera, a senior five student, spends sleepless nights reading his books, he still scores poor grades in exams. This is a common problem to many students. Students need to know that it doesn’t matter how many hours you take revising, but rather how organised you are in your academics. Here are tips to help you score better grades and the make most out of your academics.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Despite the fact that Derrick Kabera, a senior five student, spends sleepless nights reading his books, he still scores poor grades in exams. This is a common problem to many students. Students need to know that it doesn’t matter how many hours you take revising, but rather how organised you are in your academics. Here are tips to help you score better grades and the make most out of your academics.

Be prepared. Always bring everything you need with you to class. It would be a good idea to have books, folders, pens, pencils, homework review sheets and anything else you need for class or revision.

Pay attention in class. When a teacher is giving a lesson, take notes and if you don’t understand something, ask questions. The more questions you ask, the smarter you’ll get. Taking notes will help you think and help you understand what is being taught more.

Avoid distractions in class. Do not distract others and don’t be distracted by them. If friends are distracting you, just tell them politely that you are working and will talk "another time”.

Review your notes when you have free time. Rewriting notes taken in class is helpful. Give it priority.

Start to read a little more. If you are not already a good reader, start at your level and work your way up. By reading challenging and difficult books, you expand your vocabulary.

Don’t put off work for later. Make a daily routine for yourself. Keep all of your electronics such as your phone, iPod and laptop away from you as these cause distraction.

Find out which topic your teacher is covering next and read it ahead of the lesson. That way you become familiar with what he/she will be teaching and will be able to target areas that you do not understand so well. Highlight the explanations of difficult concepts and ask questions when you have doubts.

Go the extra yard. Attempt harder problems and assignments. Even if you are getting a 98% in a class, this will help you improve your grade and understand the material better.

Take short breaks while studying. For example, one 15 minute break every 2 hours. Don’t lose your cool if you’re stuck. Just take a break, then refocus on your work and you’ll succeed.