Residents commended over change of attitude

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — Local leaders in Ruhango district have commended residents for embracing government development programmes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


RUHANGO — Local leaders in Ruhango district have commended residents for embracing government development programmes.

Catherine Mukayire, the acting Mayor, said that residents’ participation in development activities has come due to change of attitude towards work compared to the past years.

Mukayire made the remarks during the evaluation of district performance contracts 2008 after the third quarter last week.

Mukayire said, "This has been achieved by increased efforts in sensitising and mobilising residents to work hard, and achieve highly in a short time.”

Some of the indicators of change, according to the leaders, include participation in the recent parliamentary elections (98.2%), increased enrolment of children in school and doing business.

At the meeting, residents committed to cooperate with local leaders to tackle crimes like drug abuse and idleness in their respective communities, which has impacted on many youths in the district.
