Corporates ought to give back to the community this holiday season

Editor, RE: DEBATE: Should every corporate company participate in Corporate Social Responsibility? (The New Times, December 4).

Tuesday, December 08, 2015


RE: DEBATE: Should every corporate company participate in Corporate Social Responsibility? (The New Times, December 4).

Thank you Doreen and Patrick for bringing this up. I liked your insights on the topic. Let share what I think about CSR. With Christmas approaching CSR is now at its peak with many companies looking at areas where they can contribute and be associated with all the good things that Christmas stands for.

For me, much as I don't agree with some CSR activities that may seem like advertising and seeking publicity, I embrace the general notion of CSR.

In general, it is a good practice for corporate companies to at least contribute in solving one of the social problems where they operate. I, however, do not agree with the misguided CSR options of corporate companies.

My idea is that a corporate company should try to address a problem related to its area of work/expertise where possible. But sometimes it sounds weird when a company dealing with construction works decides to pay Mutuelle de Sante for 30 families when they would have dealt with building a few small bridges that the community lacks.

Let me call upon our corporate companies to share some of their profits with vulnerable and poor families. One wise person said that a candle loses nothing by lighting another. Share the light and be a blessing to many during the Christmas period, not for pictures and but for the general good, of improving socio-economic welfare of the community. Franklin Gakuba Murangira