Your concerns: Can fasting help me reduce weight?

Dear Doctor, I weigh about 80kgs, but I would say I am relatively short. I try to eat healthy foods but somehow my weight does not reduce. Can fasting alone help me to shed off some weight and is it safe? Kwizera

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Dear Doctor,

I weigh about 80kgs, but I would say I am relatively short. I try to eat healthy foods but somehow my weight does not reduce. Can fasting alone help me to shed off some weight and is it safe?


Dear Kwizera,

Weight alone is not important to determine if one is obese. It is weight in relation to height (basal metabolic index) which if above 25 indicates that the person is overweight. Being overweight is a risk factor for many health related problems. But fasting is not the solution to reduce weight.

When one becomes overweight, the body demands more food as the requirement of energy increases. When one avoids a meal to avoid gaining calories, at the first available opportunity, he will eat much more till satiated, as per the body’s demand. In case of prolonged fasting, fat is mobilised from body cells and liver manufactures more fat to meet the energy requirements. Thus instead of losing weight, it may be augmented. When one does not eat, protective acid produced from the stomach is not neutralised leading to burning pain, nausea and or vomiting. Bowels are not cleared regularly, adding to the dyspeptic symptoms and cause reduced appetite. One may lose on essential nutrients and become obese due to fasting.

The healthy way to reduce weight is by taking healthy low fat foods like fresh vegetable, whole grains, fruits, milk without cream and fish. One should avoid fried foods, alcohol, sodas and meat products. A dietitian can help to make a diet plan, as to what foods should be taken and in how much quantity.

Regular physical exercise is a must to burn out the calories. One can do one or more than one kind of exercise, depending on his physical ability. It is also advisable to move about physically for at least 10-15 minutes, after sitting continuously for 2 hours or so to burn some calories.

Ideally weight loss should be gradual and not drastic. Diseases like hypothyroidism and diabetes can also augment body weight. Relevant blood tests can help to diagnose these diseases and they are treatable.

Dr Rachna Pande  is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hospital