The human body requires a number of nutrients, and most of them are obtained from the food we eat. Nutrients such as antioxidants are very useful when it comes to protecting the body against free radicals. The good news is that guavas have plenty of such antioxidants.
The human body requires a number of nutrients, and most of them are obtained from the food we eat. Nutrients such as antioxidants are very useful when it comes to protecting the body against free radicals. The good news is that guavas have plenty of such antioxidants.
"When you consume guavas regularly, chances are high that you will meet the daily nutritional requirements, especially for the antioxidants, most of which are not stored by the body,” says Isaac Bikorimana, a nutritionist at Kibagabaga Hospital.
Bikorimana explains that most people who consider guavas as food for the poor mainly end up missing out on such nutrients.
"Guavas are good for production of red blood cells because of the Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), VB6, vitamin E and K, dietary fibre, minerals such as copper, magnesium and manganese which are present,” he explains.
The flesh of guavas is also as rich in potassium as bananas and forms part of the cells that control body fluids and blood pressure.
Several studies have also shown that nutrients combined with the vitamin C helps improve the appearance of the skin.
Protection against carcinogenic compounds
The latest scientific studies also suggest that daily consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C help the human body develop resistance against infectious agents, and cleanse out cancer causing harmful free radicals.
According to Rene Tabaro, a nutritionist at King Faisal Hospital, guavas are sources of vitamin A, beta- carotene, lycopene- lutein and cryptoxanthin which have antioxidant properties
"When consumed fresh, they provide carotene which helps in protecting cavity cancer, while lycopene shields the skin from sun rays, and offer protection from prostate cancer. Gauavas also have dietary fats that aid in cleaning toxins from the colon, thus reducing the risk of contracting colon cancer,” Tabaro explains.
Controls diabetes
Studies from the journal of nutrition revealed that guavas reduce the absorption of sugar in the body. They contain good amount of dietary fiber which is known to reduce the chances of Type II diabetes significantly. Eating fiber-rich food also reduces sugar spikes in diabetes patients.
Tabaro adds that the high amount of Vitamin C further ensures that there is regular and expeditious flushing out from the body which helps in effective diabetes management.
"At times diabetes comes due to unhealthy weight gain. Guava is the right fruit if you plan to go on a strict diet. It does not have fats but is very rich in dietary fiber, anti-oxidants and helps in maintaining the balance of potassium in electrolytes of the body. Guava fruit is perfect for people looking at healthy weight loss options,” he says.
Anti- ageing properties
According to Bikorimana, ageing is faster among the young generation mainly because of the lifestyles they are living.
"Free radicals produced in our body because of high oxidative stress caused by pollution makes it easier for ageing to occur. But antioxidants found in guavas help in destroying these free radicals there by slowing down the ageing process,” Bikorimana advises.