EDITORIAL: Good leaders always have the interests of the people at heart

The City of Kigali has at last buckled to demands by traders to extend a deadline to vacate their premises in what is known as Quartier Mateus, an old but popular shopping district in the city centre

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The City of Kigali has at last buckled to demands by traders to extend a deadline to vacate their premises in what is known as Quartier Mateus, an old but popular shopping district in the city centre

The city had given the traders up to December 5 to have left as the city intends to redevelop the area with modern and safe commercial buildings.

The traders did not oppose the orders to move, only the timing, as they argued that it would disrupt the holiday shopping season when business is at its peak.

Their pleas had at first fallen on deaf ears and only last week the Mayor had categorically said there would be no extension of the deadline. The city came out of the whole saga as being inflexible to genuine demands but it now comes out with a clean slate.

Good leaders always need to listen to their people and should strive to satisfy their needs, but they should also stand firm when confronted with unreasonable demands.

The holiday season, in whatever part of the world, is the most lucrative time for businesses. It is a time when new products are released on the markets as manufacturers prey on the celebratory mood and the loose purse strings and generous mood.

Therefore it makes good business sense that city authorities have realised that there is more to gain than enforcing an unpopular deadline. It is a win-win situation.

The message that leaders should come out with the Quartier Mateus issue is that dialogue should be on top of the agenda, especially when designing policies that intend to improve the welfare of the population.