Interview with Kevin Kagame

KEVIN KAGAME is a P.4 pupil at Good Foundation Primary school. He celebrated his 10th birthday on Monday 6th October. The Children’s Times (TCT) had the privilege of exclusively interviewing him.

Monday, October 20, 2008

KEVIN KAGAME is a P.4 pupil at Good Foundation Primary school. He celebrated his 10th birthday on Monday 6th October. The Children’s Times (TCT) had the privilege of exclusively interviewing him.

TCT: First of all, I wonder if you have any particular talent. It could be a sport, writing, anything. If yes, what makes you love doing this talent?

Kevin: I am good at football. I like to play it in order to keep fit.

TCT: What inspires you in life?

Kevin: I am inspired by seeing my President Paul Kagame speak.

TCT: What are your hobbies and what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Kevin: My hobbies are swimming and playing football. I like watching cartoons in my free time.

TCT: Sources reveal that on Monday you celebrated your 10th birthday. Did you enjoy your birthday and why?

Kevin: Yes, I enjoyed my birthday party so much because it was a complete surprise.

TCT: Whom do you send your greetings to?

Kevin: My greetings go to Mum, Dad and my brother Charles at NUR.
