We don't need UN debate to save Burundi

Editor, RE: “Burundi: How many must die before intervention?” (The New Times, November 17).

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


RE: "Burundi: How many must die before intervention?” (The New Times, November 17).

One wonders if the death of the Burundians does not count. How long has it taken when on a daily basis you hear of death of people in Bujumbura and the world seems not to pay attention?

And yet just days after the terror attacks in Paris, the world seems shaken. Does it mean that the French people are of more value than Burundians or other Africans for that matter?

Let us face the reality: why should intervention for Africans take ages/or rather need UN debate to check on what is going on? Can someone tell us why the UN did not convene a meeting before the French took action to pursue the perpetrators?

I am hearing the so called human rights bodies speaking up; is white blood of more of value than the one from blacks?
