Will the world finally come together to fight terror ?

Editor, RE: “The world should unite to avert all forms of terror” (The New Times, November 15).

Monday, November 16, 2015
French police with protective shields walk in line near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings. (Net)


RE: "The world should unite to avert all forms of terror” (The New Times, November 15).

We wait to see whether the world will really finally come together to fight terror in a concerted manner no matter where it is perpetrated, by whom and against whom.

We diminish the moral clarity we should bring to the fight and fail to mobilise the entire global community’s united effort in the fight against the disease whenever some choose to treat some terror attacks as being somehow less deserving of uncompromising condemnation than others. And yet this happens too many times.

We should also stop applying hierarchical values to human life, and look at all lives destroyed in terror attacks as equally deserving of sympathy and the bereaved our condolences and emotional support.

Together we have a greater chance to overcome this contemporary global challenge; divided the task is likely to be much more difficult.

Mwene Kalinda