Kamonyi miners cautioned on safety

The mining community in Kamonyi District has been urged to cooperate with law enforcers in fighting illegal mining, environmental degradation and other illegal activities.

Monday, November 16, 2015

The mining community in Kamonyi District has been urged to cooperate with law enforcers in fighting illegal mining, environmental degradation and other illegal activities.

The message was delivered yesterday by AIP Athanase Niyonagira, the District Community Liaison Officer, in a meeting held in Kayenzi, Cubi Cell, with over 100 miners and local leaders.

The meeting was dominated by last week’s accident in which two miners died after a cliff caved in.

AIP Niyongira told the participants that minerals are "national resources that contribute greatly to the development of our nation” and that the mining fraternity should respect rules and regulations that govern the sector, as well as ensure that those who bring about insecurity are reported in time to the authorities.

"There are laws that regulate whoever wants to join the industry in order to maintain safety of the people and also to ensure maximum benefit from the activity, so you are required to adhere to those standards,” AIP Niyongira said.

"Responsible miners have the prerogative to fight against illegal mining and other activities that destroy the environment,” Niyongira added.

"Through the element of Community Policing, you should always cooperate with police to identify suspects who disregard the law and those who bring about insecurity in the mining concessions,” he said.

Theoneste Ntagungira, the executive secretary of Cuba, noted that mining accidents are preventable.

"Some mining companies take the safety of their miners for granted and do not provide protective gears; while others conduct activities illegally at night. Such activities should stop immediately,” he said.

"I urge the miners to work closely with Police, because it is through this good relationship that the common good of safe mining practices will be upheld.”

One of the miners, Jean Baptiste Nkomeje, thanked Police for reaching out to them with safety messages, and challenged his colleagues to be at the forefront against illegal activities at their respective sites.