Authorities to promote distribution of condoms

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — A local association in Muhanga District has announced a new plan aimed to increase condom access to residents in the district.

Monday, October 20, 2008


MUHANGA — A local association in Muhanga District has announced a new plan aimed to increase condom access to residents in the district.

The move geared at strengthening the fight against HIV/Aids would involve establishing condom distribution sites in 12 sectors of the district.

"The condoms will be distributed free of charge and trained persons will be going to grassroots to educate residents on the proper use of condoms, especially during meetings on Umuganda days,” said Joseph Tinya.

Tinya is the regional coordinator of Ihorere-Munyanrwanda- an association involved in HIV/Aids awareness. He was last Friday speaking during training for 22 focal people who will be responsible for mobilising and sensitising residents on condoms use.

The initiative was sponsored by United Nations Population Funds (UNFPA) and the National Aids Control Commission (CNLS) in collaboration with Ihorere-Munyanrwanda Association, according to the officials.

Among the trained personnel included people deemed to be at high risks of being exposed to the virus such as cyclists, motorists, and sex workers.

Joël Serucaca, the District Health Director, urged the trained group to encourage residents to go for voluntary HIV/Aids testing in order to know their health status and educate residents on suitable cultural values and safer sex aimed at preventing Aids spread.

According to officials of Ihorere-Munyanrwanda, the growing population of the district calls for subsequent efforts to discourage residents from indulging in unsafe sex and prostitution in order to stem HIV/Aids.
