What's the best way to get over heartbreak?

If you are lucky, you will spend the rest of your life with the first person you fall in love with. If you’re unlucky, you will, like millions of people, be dealt with heartbreak. If you are in the latter category, you can borrow tips from the responses Elizabeth Buhungiro got for the question: “What’s the best way to get over heartbreak?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

If you are lucky, you will spend the rest of your life with the first person you fall in love with. If you’re unlucky, you will, like millions of people, be dealt with heartbreak. If you are in the latter category, you can borrow tips from the responses Elizabeth Buhungiro got for the question: "What’s the best way to get over heartbreak?

Claudette Umutoni, businesswoman

Claudette Umutoni

I think the best way to get over someone is to concentrate on rebuilding your life without him or her.

Most young people find it hard to get over heartbreak because they easily fall in love and easily break up.

And when they break up, instead of completely erasing an ex from their lives they stay friends with him/her.

That’s not right, once someone hurts you, they should not be part of your life when you are rebuilding it.

George Ndayisenga, a student

George Ndayisenga

Make yourself busy. Whether it is work or study, immerse yourself in it to avoid creating room for thinking about him/her.

At the same time, make sure you don’t discuss the heartbreak with your friends, because this will bring back a lot of memories. You will start thinking about the good times you had together.

Just keep your thoughts to yourself and move on.

Jennifer Mukamana, student at UR

Jennifer Mukamana

The best way to get over a heart break is to get rid of everything that reminds you of your ex.

For instance, delete their messages.

Delete also your ex's photos in your phone or laptop.

If possible, delete their contact details because if you keep them, you will get tempted to call and insult them or to embarrass yourself by pleading for another chance.

Sam Agaba, an employee of University of Rwanda

Sam Agaba

When you are heartbroken, you should spend time with your friends to keep mind occupied. Have fun, eat and dance.

This will help to erase all the pain and all the bad thoughts and all the memories.

Don’t lock yourself up in a room and shut everyone out because this will only worsen the situation since you will be thinking about the person who hurt you.

You will end up crying and yet you shouldn’t be crying over a human being. You are supposed forget them and move on with your life.

Sylvester Hakuzimana, Kicuciro resident

Sylvester Hakuzimana

Get yourself a friend of the opposite sex; just to make them jealous.

That’s if you were so deep in love your ex that there is no way to forget them easily.

Once you have done that, you can start the healing process by keeping your mind occupied with what you want to do or be in future.

Just because you’re heartbroken, it doesn’t mean that your life is over.