Why you don't need a job

We came here in this life to be free like the birds and the trees. Otherwise, what then would be the meaning of life?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

We came here in this life to be free like the birds and the trees. Otherwise, what then would be the meaning of life?

We are in this life to play and to laugh, to live in abundance, as opposed to toiling away at often ill-paying jobs.

In that regard, I abhor and I do not believe in that talk of "akazi ni akazi”.

The problem with work and employment, especially corporate employment is that you can’t even go about Laughing Out Loud in the office. If you do, bosses and workmates will accuse you of having gone bonkers.

Others will even ask what you’ve been smoking lately –whether it’s Intore, Impala, Dunhill … although I also strongly suspect it’s another kind of smoking they mean here.

The other problem with (especially corporate) employment is that most office layouts these days come in that annoying cubicle-arrangement where rows of workers are crammed close at their glass-partitioned little workstations.

In other words, in most of today’s modern office settings you can’t even fart. If you did, you would not escape public naming and shaming. But even worse, if you did pass wind in such an extremely tight environment, the entire office would have to be temporarily evacuated to the big tree outside your office complex.

Then a protracted fumigation exercise would have to follow to restore normalcy.

I don’t know about you, so I will speak for myself as a man that wants to be free.

To be free is my greatest wish in life. Being free is our birthright, right? But for most people at work, it’s like you’re still in kindergarten. I know of certain offices where you always have to put your hands up when you want to go to the toilet. How much more annoying can that get?

In other offices, you can’t even eat your snack from your desk, so you have to make do with the corridors and washrooms.

No, we don’t want to go back to pre-primary school!

And, have you noticed the lengths to which many of us at our jobs have to bottle up our emotions just to stay on the job?

"Emotions” simply means energy in motion. Therefore our emotions are our inner guiding systems. The more we are in tune with our emotions, the more we will uncover our deepest desires. Once we’re out of tune with our emotions, we’re out of tune with ourselves and with reality.

Look at it this way:

"How are you?” your boss asks when he stops by.

Then comes the obvious and tasteless responses:

"Fine.” "Fantastic.” "Great.” "I’m good,” and "Not complaining.”

Yet we all know what that "fine” means: fed up, insecure, hungry, emotional, volatile, hungry, stressed...

That’s what happens to people in employment every day. We just lie to our own selves.

Finally … stop making other people rich. Rich people don’t work, they supervise.