Rwf795million water supply system launched in Kamonyi

Over 24,000 residents of Runda and Rugalika Sectors of Kamonyi District can now access clean water after the launch of a 31 kilometre water supply system by the Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) in conjunction with the district.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Residents of Runda and Rugalika Sectors attend the inaugration of the water facility on Tuesday. (Michel Nkurunziza)

Over 24,000 residents of Runda and Rugalika Sectors of Kamonyi District can now access clean water after the launch of a 31 kilometre water supply system by the Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) in conjunction with the district.

The water facility was officially inaugurated by Germaine Kamayirese, the state minister in charge of energy and water in the Ministry of Infrastructure, on Tuesday.

Beneficiaries include residents, schools, hospitals and businesses.

"Running a school without water had affected our planning. There was water scarcity which worsened especially during drought. We relied on the water reservoir at a nearby Catholic Church but it was not sustainable because of many people,” said Vestine Kamazinga, the head teacher of Marie Adelaide Secondary School.

"We could order two water tanks from Kigali every week to fill our tanks but with over 500 students who need water every day it could hardly take us through the week. One tank requires Rwf130, 000 to be filled.”

Esperance Nyirakanyana, mother of four said her children walked a long distance to reach the nearest source, where a jerrycan of water cost Rwf200.

They spent hours there due to long queues, wasting school time, she said.

James Sano, WASAC Chief executive officer said the Rwf795 million water pipeline stretches through four cells of Gihara, Kabagesera, Muganza and Kagina of Runda Sector and part of Rugalika Sector.

He said the same pipeline would be extended to other areas of the district in Kayenzi, Karama, Gacurabwenge, Musambira and Kayumbu which would increase water access to about 90 per cent in the district.

Minister Kamayirese urged residents to find ways of extending water to their homes to reduce the time spent going to the community source.

"The next step that requires your input is to extend water to your homes so that you do not waste valuable time which would be spent on economic activities looking for water. Our target is to reduce the distance covered to reach a water source from 500 meters to our homes in line with new sustainable development targets,” she said.

Kamayirese said WASAC services would be extended to Runda Sector to facilitate payment for people wishing to extend water to their homes.

She urged residents to guard the water infrastructure jealously and use the water and energy to start income generating activities to reduce poverty.