It's not me, it's you

If a man wants you, he will move heaven and earth to get you. He will spend time and he will spend money. He will put his best foot forward. He will aim straight for your heart.

Saturday, November 07, 2015

If a man wants you, he will move heaven and earth to get you. He will spend time and he will spend money. He will put his best foot forward. He will aim straight for your heart.

And there is nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with hunting. It’s in their nature. The only problem is that some of them don’t seem to understand the difference between hunting to eat and hunting for keeps. 

Any hunter knows that in order to preserve their kill, they must, well... they must make use of preservatives. It’s a basic rule. But some men act like the hunter who expects the animal to stay fresh and tasty without necessarily making provisions for that.

At the beginning, he will be prince charming and more. He will be calling you at random hours of the day talking about, "I missed your voice...I wanted to know how your day is going...I wanted to let you know that your eyes shine brighter than the sun, moon and stars combined...”

And you will start falling over yourself because let’s face it, women love or should I say need attention. 

But once he has won you over, be prepared to kiss that simple act of thoughtfulness goodbye because as one guy bluntly put it to me, "I thought women are supposed to call more. When a woman truly loves you, she will call to find out where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with. But you, you act like you don’t care about losing me.” He then insinuated that I had "other men taking your attention.”

That stopped in me in my tracks. To win my heart, this man had had to win my trust. But now he expected me to act like Interpol. So basically, he wanted me to feel and act insecure, as a measure of my love.

I’m here to inform you that it’s pathetic and condescending to expect another human being to panic over losing you. What are you, some sort of precious stone?

Another category of confused humans are men who splash you with money to win you over and then turn around and call you a gold-digger. Listen here; I don’t condone parasitism in women. 

That said, truthful women will tell you that they would like to be with a man who has a sizeable amount of pocket change. 

So if you act like you can afford to buy nice things and go to nice places at the start, don’t whine when she expects you to carry on the trend. She is not materialistic; she just likes consistency.

Men love consistency too. Because even after they have stopped doing the very things that won you over, they still have the nerve to ask you why you’re acting different. "You’re distant. You never used to complain like you do now. You’re no longer as sweet or as responsive.” 

Some have the nerve to say, "You’re high maintenance. You expect too much.” No, no. You’re the one who expects too much. You can’t pour water over a blazing fire and expect it to keep burning bright. So it’s not me, it’s you.