Police urged on the importance of saving

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — About 50 police personnel from Karongi District were last week sensitised on the operations of the Social Security Fund of Rwanda (SSFR).

Sunday, October 19, 2008


KARONGI — About 50 police personnel from Karongi District were last week sensitised on the operations of the Social Security Fund of Rwanda (SSFR).

The sensitisation workshop conducted at Golf Eden Hotel in Karongi, aimed at briefing participants on the benefits of saving with the SSFR.

Opening the workshop, Karongi District Police Commander, Superintendent Jean Marie Vianney Rurangirwa, said the training would serve to remind police officials about saving for their future. 

"All of us here are government servants and the social security fund encourages us to save with it for a better future,” he said.

Theogen Kagarama, the in-charge of Rugaban Police post said previously he had no knowledge of the importance of social security.

"I knew nothing about it but the knowledge I have attained here will help me save for my future,” he said.

He appealed for more training to enable others to learn how to save with the social security fund.
