Rwanda has transformed under Kagame's leadership

Editor, RE: “Kagame has restored our dignity” (The New Times, November 3).

Wednesday, November 04, 2015
A Nyamagabe resident checks a cow he got from the Girinka programme which has contributed to poverty reduction across the country. (File)


RE: "Kagame has restored our dignity” (The New Times, November 3).

He (Kagame) has restored our unity, empowered the youth and rightly invested in them to make the future of Rwanda more secure. He is tirelessly turning the Rwandan human resource into human capital.

He has given the Rwandan women their rightful place in Rwandan society a fact that we shall continue to thank him.

He is steadily turning around the economy through reducing poverty countrywide.

That is why we love him.

In case anybody thinks we are making a fuss, check the skylines of our city and other towns and compare it to what it was only 21 years ago. Also look at our national vision. Look at our inclusive politics.

Yes, he insists we have achieved a lot against all odds but more needs to be done. With that level of determination the future is brighter. It takes one to have such visionary leadership. The good news is we still have him no need to gamble.

The Rwandans have made a choice and a very good one too.
