Valuable lessons from rugby

Editor, RE: “Rugby shows winning formula: You can have power and force yet be fair” (The New Times, November 3).

Wednesday, November 04, 2015


RE: "Rugby shows winning formula: You can have power and force yet be fair” (The New Times, November 3).

Indeed the society and various sporting events have much to learn from rugby. You forgot to mention that in rugby, except the captain, players are not allowed to approach the referee.

On the other hand, in football a sport that is perhaps most cherished worldwide, any individual player or the whole team can talk to the referee and sometimes this can be done in uncivilized manner, stemming from an inherent norm of siege mentality.

No wonder in the West rugby is often associated with affluence where schools for the haves begin to teach this sport from a very young age due to the belief that power and humility learnt from playing rugby can be transferred to everyday life in adulthood.
