Gisagara residents appeal for help after storm destroys homes

Several residents of Gisagara District have appealed for support after Monday’s heavy rains destroyed their property and homes.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Several residents of Gisagara District have appealed for support after Monday’s heavy rains destroyed their property and homes.

The afternoon downpour razed gardens and about 17 houses in Musha Sector alone, according to the Musha Sector executive secretary, David Ntiyamira Muhire.

Gikonko Sector executive secretary Ignas Kayumba said the storm blew off the roof of a classroom at Groupe Scolaire Gasagara, as well as those of four residential houses in Gasagara Cell.

He said some of the residents are being accommodated by their neighbours.

Kayumba said they had reported the damages to the district and await a response from the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs for support.

Claudine Nyirarukundo, a mother of one, said her house was hit to near ruins by the rains.

The resident of Musha Sector said the rain left some of the tiles broken and a leaking roof.

"The walls were left weak. I am afraid it might collapse anytime. I stayed outside last night and I am going to keep out of the house again. I need accommodation,” she lamented.

Angelique Mukarurangwa, a widowed mother of three, said the roofs of her house and kitchen were destroyed.The resident of Gikonko Sector said she has no means to repair the house.

"I need support to get my house roofed,” she said.

Kasiyani Mbanguza, another resident, said the roof of his commercial building was blown away, leaving 72 iron sheets destroyed.

"The building had a veterinary drug shop, a bar and a cinema. The rain soaked the drugs,” he said.

Muhire said they are still assessing the extent of the damage.

He, however, noted that efforts were underway to arrange for temporary accommodation for the affected residents.

Last May, in Gikonko and Mbogo cells in the same district, heavy rains destroyed the roofs of nine schools, several houses and gardens.

Kayumba said the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs has since rehabilitated the buildings.