Rwanda peacekeepers construct youth centres in Darfur

Rwanda Peacekeepers (Rwanbatt42) in Zalingei, Central Sector, Darfur, have constructed two youth centres for Sudanese residents.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Rwanda Peacekeepers (Rwanbatt42) in Zalingei, Central Sector, Darfur, have constructed two youth centres for Sudanese residents.

The centres constructed for residents of Hassa Hissa and Hamadia IDP camps were handed over on Monday.

The youth leader of Hamadia IDP Camp Shaffi Abdallah Abdul Karim Nourdin said they were grateful for the project and thanked Rwanbatt42, according to a statement from Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF).

"We are really thankful for this kind of project that is useful in our lives,” he said.

The centres, with capacity to accommodate 200 people at ago will benefit both girls and boys for social and education matters.

The project funded by United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) was aimed at promoting youth development.

The youths used to gather in grass thatched houses. Hassa Hissa and Hamadia IDP camps are home to about one hundred and ten thousand Internally Displaced People.

The chief guest, UNAMID Central Sector Head Office, Lamech Kawiche urged the leadership of the two IDP camps to use the facilities for the benefit of all.

He said, "This is a multipurpose centre to be used by any segment of the community, be flexible in using the facility, everyone should use it.”

The UNAMID Sector Central Commander, Brig Gen George Rwigamba congratulated Rwanda Peacekeepers for honoring the pledge they made.

"We thank UNAMID and Rwanbatt42 for successfully fullfilling the pledge they made,” he said.

He also thanked the community for the tireless support rendered.

"This shows us that you can even do better than this. We shall have other projects like this with other Rwanda Peacekeepers coming in the future,” he added.

The IDP camps representatives thanked the UNAMID and Rwanda Peacekeepers for taking care of them.

The Commanding Officer Rwanbatt42, Lt Col Venant Bizimungu, commended the leadership of the two communities for giving a hand, affirming that Rwanda Peacekeepers were ready to work with them.

Besides the mandated tasks of peacekeeping, the Rwandan contingent in Darfur supports the local population by engaging in developmental projects funded by the UNAMID through Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) that bring impact in the citizen’s lives.