The secret life of ....

Mushikiwabo is Rwanda’s Minister of Information. She was born and raised in Kigali and educated at the National University of Rwanda and at the University of Delaware after moving to the United States in 1986.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Louise Mushikiwabo

Mushikiwabo is Rwanda’s Minister of Information. She was born and raised in Kigali and educated at the National University of Rwanda and at the University of Delaware after moving to the United States in 1986.

When were you happiest?
When I was younger, and we used to spend time with all the family on Sundays, and on my wedding day.

What is your greatest fear?
To disappoint people I admire.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

What was your most embarrassing moment?
When I mistakenly put my arms around a strange man (facing away), thinking it was my fiancé.

What is your most unappealing habit?
I believe others would know this better than me

What is your favourite word?
Yoooh! (Kinyarwanda for "really?” or "It’s a pity”)

What is the closest you have come to death?
When I averted an accident driving to work very early one morning

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Publishing a book on Rwanda and my family

What keeps your awake at night?
When I need to make a difficult decision.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
That there is much more strength in every human being than one might think

Your greatest inspiration…
My mother. She taught me that hard work and kindness are great attributes for a woman.

You drive…
A Honda.

A movie that impresses you….
Historical and biographical movies.

The best invitation ever…
To the annual folk life festival in Washington, for the first date with my now-husband

What is your favourite place in Rwanda you would spend a weekend?
 Kibuye by Lake Kivu; I love the calming effect of water, surrounded by majestic mountains.

What annoys you most?
People who don’t mean what they say

What makes your day?
Sharing light moments with cheerful people in the morning

When you have time to myself……
I try to do nothing, but enjoy freedom.
