India could borrow a leaf from Imbuto Foundation

Editor, RE: “Imbuto Foundation’s role in promoting girls’ rights in Rwanda” (The New Times, October 11).

Thursday, October 22, 2015
Girls under Imbuto Foundation follow presentations during a past holiday camp in Kicukiro district. (File)


RE: "Imbuto Foundation’s role in promoting girls’ rights in Rwanda” (The New Times, October 11).

The great work undertaken by the Imbuto Foundation is indeed commendable.

During the past decade, the various programmes and schemes undertaken have all been geared towards facilitating the girl child in this beautiful nation.

To recognize these efforts, Mahatma Gandhi University (Rwanda) awarded as many as ten full scholarships to ten outstanding girls during Rwanda Calling 2015 who were selected by Imbuto Foundation on completion of their tenth anniversary.

Here, we too are faced with similar challenges which revolve round the girl child and India would do well to borrow a leaf from the Imbuto Foundation and make the country a much better place for the Indian girl child.

Clarence Fernandes