Court remands Huye hospital employees

The Huye Intermediate Court on Monday denied bail to the three employees of Kabutare Hospital who are accused of embezzling hospital funds. The trio was sent back on remand for 30 days as they await trial.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Huye Intermediate Court on Monday denied bail to the three employees of Kabutare Hospital who are accused of embezzling hospital funds. The trio was sent back on remand for 30 days as they await trial.

The suspects include the hospital director, Dr Saleh Niyonzima, and two accountants - Jean Claude Sebushumba and Alice Mukashema.

Athanasie Nyiransaguye, the presiding judge, ruled that there was strong evidence linking the trio to the alleged crime and that their release could jeorpadise the ongoing investigations.

The suspects were arrested on September 30 and have since been detained at Ngoma Police Station, following an audit which established that some funds had been misappropriated.

Prosecution had before requested court to remand the accused due to the gravity of the crimes they allegedly committed, arguing that once granted bail, the suspects may escape like some of the accused, citing the hospital administrator who has since fled.

Although investigations are still on-going, the alleged embezzled funds are estimated at over Rwf60 million.