Partnerships are the way to go

Editor, RE: “Kaboneka calls for strong Rwanda, Rhineland Palatinate relations” (The New Times, October 19).

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


RE: "Kaboneka calls for strong Rwanda, Rhineland Palatinate relations” (The New Times, October 19).

It is very interesting to read in your article how Rwanda and Rhineland Palatinate have developed a strong bond over the last thirty two years.

It was in the year 2010, when the first-ever business delegation visited Mumbai led by the then Minister of Infrastructure.

During that visit the Rwanda Private Sector Federation (PSF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Merchants’ Chamber (IMC).

Since then, there has been a steady increase in trade, tourism and investment into Rwanda. The IMC has chosen this year as its theme—"Job Creation through Skill Development”.

Partnerships will always enhance bilateral ties and various programmes are underway to provide Rwandan youth with "opportunities in technical and vocational education” and training thereby increasing their skills in today’s highly demanding world.

Clarence Fernandes