Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I am a young man who is single and a teacher at a private secondary school. My problem is that I fell in love with one of my students three years ago - I have never approached the girl, since my conscious warned me that it will be wrong to do so. I love her so strongly that I wish to make her my future wife. The girl in question is sitting for her national exams this coming month - I only intend to open up to her after her national examinations so as not to divert her attention and concentration she needs during her exams. My fear is that the girl might reject me and this will break my heart. How do I go about it?Richard.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dear Aunt Silvia,
I am a young man who is single and a teacher at a private secondary school. My problem is that I fell in love with one of my students three years ago - I have never approached the girl, since my conscious warned me that it will be wrong to do so. I love her so strongly that I wish to make her my future wife. The girl in question is sitting for her national exams this coming month - I only intend to open up to her after her national examinations so as not to divert her attention and concentration she needs during her exams. My fear is that the girl might reject me and this will break my heart. How do I go about it?

Dear Richard,
It has never been a sin to love and love does not choose whom to love and where to love from, we just find ourselves in it.

First and foremost I must congratulate you on your decency. That you decided not to disturb this girl with her studies for the last three years, tells me something about you; you are clearly a very decent and responsible man.

This is enough to convince anyone that you have this girl’s best interests at heart.

It would have been a very bad situation would you have alerted this girl about your feelings three years ago, because as her teacher she would have felt awkward in your presence and that can be enough reason to make her not concentrate on her studies, but you chose to live with the love all these years the hard way until the girl was through with her education.

Even though it is not always encouraged to be involved with our students or vice versa, there are things that are beyond human control, and that we can only hope for the best.

I advise you to stay put, wait for the girl to be through with her examinations before you make any move to avoid confusion at this delicate part in her life. Her results will determine her future and I am sure you would not wish to be associated to failures in life.

My advice to you dear teacher is that you take one day at time and only wait to tell her when she is through with her last exams, otherwise the ball is in your court and I wish you all the best.

Also see if you can change job because if the administration finds out about your feelings for a former student, it would be hard for them to trust you with students again. Good luck!
