Gitwe survivors, judges in row over Gacaca files

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO—Genocide survivors in Gitwe region of Bweramana sector have raised strong complaints over missing court dossiers and accused Jyoma judges for masterminding the misplacement.

Monday, September 24, 2007


RUHANGO—Genocide survivors in Gitwe region of Bweramana sector have raised strong complaints over missing court dossiers and accused Jyoma judges for masterminding the misplacement.

In what is growing into a scandal, several survivors have said that the case of Thaddee Mukezabatware, an Adventist Relief Agency worker in Kigali, has never been brought to light. Gacaca cases are to be completed nationwide by 2008.

Other suspects mentioned include Nzaramba,Ndahiriwe, who allegedly organised the killing of dozens in Gitwe.

Similar occurrences were mentioned in early May of 2007, during the burial of 85 pastors killed during the 1994 Genocide.

Residents accuse the Adventist church of blocking local justice using the biblical teachings before and after Gacaca sessions.

Survivors say that the cases have never been brought to light and the suspects have either been released under unknown circumstances or never summoned.

"Information has been provided by the victims of Genocide and nothing has been done despite various claims to have the case summoned,” says one survivor speaking on conditions of anonymity.

"This proves to be a big problem to survivors and we want to see some active faith from the courts.”

On September 18 witnesses sought explanation from Jyoma Gacaca court president Daniel Nshimiyumuremi, though efforts were fruitless.

"The strongly suspected Genocide criminals in this area are protected by the church and Mukezabatware is one of them,” says survivor Mulinda Byuma Isidore.

"He has never appeared in court even when the case is scheduled and yet we have given our witness.”

Such apparent negligence has led to a whirlwind of rumours in the area, with some saying that the court files simply no longer exist, and that this is nothing new for powerful people wanted by Gacaca.

The untold stories include deaths of unknown numbers of Genocide victims buried in Gitwe missions. Bweramana Gacaca coordinator said he was aware of the case and survivors had raised the issue to his desk last week.

"I have heard and talked with the survivors and I have asked the court to process an issue of summoning for Mukezabatware soon,” said Binagana on phone.

The deadline for processing is today, Tuesday September 25.
