20 Police officers complete 'Coast Guard Functions' course
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
The Deputy Inspector General (DIGP) in charge of Administration and Personnel, Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza, presided over the pass-out of the first intake of the basic course, on Tuesday, November 14. Courtesy of RNP

Twenty Police officers, on Tuesday, November 14, completed a four-week Police marine 'Coast Guard Functions' course conducted in Lake Kivu, in Rubavu District.

The Deputy Inspector General (DIGP) in charge of Administration and Personnel, Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza, presided over the pass-out of the first intake of the basic course facilitated by Coast Guard experts from Italy.

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During the four weeks, the Police marine trainees acquired knowledge and skills in environmental protection, search and rescue, operational data management, ship and port facility security; and safety of navigation and marine casualty investigation.

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Ujeneza said that Rwanda National Police (RNP), in its course to accomplish its duties to ensure the safety of the people and their property on ground, air, maritime and cyberspace; it prioritizes building the capacity of its personnel to professionally handle tasks at hand.

She added that maritime operations are among the RNP priorities and crucial in the fulfilment of the institutional mandate.

"This and many other marine courses conducted before, are meant to build the capacity of our marine unit officers in all marine operations in water bodies," Ujeneza said.

She added that it&039;s paramount for the RNP to consistently develop and enhance the knowledge and skills of its personnel in all specializations, including how to handle all incidents, and to investigate any incident in water bodies, both in Rwanda and abroad where Rwandan Police officers are deployed.

She thanked the Italian Coast Guard trainers and the strong cooperation between Rwanda and the Italian Carabinieri.

She also reminded the trainees that the acquired skills and knowledge should not be perishable but of additional value to maritime security and the safety of people in water bodies.